Fair weather farm girl!

After months of hanging my scivvies from tree branches, lawn chairs and other creative outcroppings…I finally constructed a clothes line in my backyard!  My motivation was pure: reduce my carbon foot print, cut my power bill, get that “sunshine” smell on all my clothes and linens.

Well, that was then…this is now.  It’s fall.  It’s cold!!  I don’t want to hang my clothes out to dry.  I’m suddenly loving that dryer sheet smell and the bundle of warm, pliable clothes the machine produces (in 30 minutes flat!!).

What happened to my resolve?  Where is my will to save the planet one load at a time?  I’m so disappointed in myself.

Promise: next sunny weekend day…I’m hanging my clothes out on the line.

Retraction: look…I’m a “faux” farmgirl for a reason.  I’ll try to hang the clothes outside, but I’m not promising.

Confession: the clothesline isn’t even still up.  I’d have to re-string it…and then hang my clothes out.

Conclusion: this is really bumming me out.  I’ll tell you what…I’ll lower my thermostat by 1-degree and make sure I turn off the lights when I leave a room.  Carbon footprint reduced, guilty conscience soothed, cold weather clothes-hanging avoided.

One Response to “Fair weather farm girl!”

  1. LOL
    I am not even catholic and I can picture you sitting in the confessional… Okay “hail Mary’s for you”….LOL….. You are a natural, of course I am and have been a huge fan of your writings so this is a special treat!

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